Apimondia Symposium 2012

The Role of Beekeeping Technologies, Health Care of Bees, and Environment in the Quality of Bee Products

18-19. February 2012, Belgrade, Serbia

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Final program


17. February 2012.



18. February 2012.



11.00 - 12.00

Opening Ceremony

12.00- 17.00

First Section: Role of Technology in the Quality of Bee Products


Technology and quality, the challenge for the future
Mr. Etienne Bruneau, President of the Standing Commission of Apimondia on Beekeeping Technology and Quality, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium


Possible reasons for the loss of Bee Societies in the world
Mr. Gilles Ratia, President of Apimondia, Coulaures, France


Are we asking too much of our bees? 
Mr. Philip McCabe, President of the Regional Commission for Europe, Drogheda, Ireland


Assessment of hive development and productivity by means of electronic scales
Dr. Daniela Laurino, University in Turin, Italy


How Modern Technology Can Help Beekeeping Practice And What The Future Holds?
Ms. Sandra Kordić, Newcastle, United Kingdom


Supplemental feeding in correlation to winter survival and the presence of pathogens
Dr. Maja Ivana Smodiš Škerl, Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia


Migratory Beekeeping – who are the winners and losers?
Mr. Philip McCabe, President of the Regional Commission for Europe, Drogheda, Ireland


Lunch Break


Situation of the contaminants in the hive products
Mr. Etienne Bruneau, President of the Standing Commission of Apimondia on Beekeeping Technology and Quality, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium


The influence of natural and synthetic substances applied in honey bee health care on the quality of bee products
Dr. Jevrosima Stevanović, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Head of Laboratory of Genetics of domestic animals, Belgrade, Serbia


Good veterinary  practice in apiary – Guidelines for better honey bee health protection 
Dr. Vet. Med. Zlatko Tomljanović, Advisor for Beekeeping in Croatian Agricultural Chamber, Croatia


The influence of altitude on the quality of false acacia and meadow honey and honeydew in Central Serbia
Dr. Goran Jevtić, Institute of Forage Crops, Kruševac, Serbia


The influence of location on content of macro- and microelements in pollen
Mr. Bojan Anđelković, Institute of Forage Crops, Kruševac, Serbia


Varoosis control with pulverised sugar dusting and its influence on the quality of bee products
Dr. Dragan Ćirković, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Belgrade, Serbia


Influence of the Treatment against Varroatosis over the Quality of the Bee Honey
Dr. Filip Stančev, Primavet-Sofia Ltd, Sofia, Bulgaria


Serbian Evening  - Gala Dinner

19. February 2012.




Second Section: Role of Environment in the Quality of Bee Products plenary session


Are honeybees able to recover? - The consequences of the action of pesticides on the level of cell and tissue
Dr. Maja Ivana Smodiš Škerl, Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia


The influence of pollen contaminated with pesticides on honey bees and their products
Dr. Vet. Med. Predrag Simeunović, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Biology, Belgrade, Serbia


External contaminants of honeybee products
Prof. dr Nevenka Aleksić, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Biology, Belgrade, Serbia


Evaluation of the Grooming Behavior at apis Mellifera in relation with the organic product Bee Vital Hive Clean for varrosis control
Dr. Gabriela Chioveanu, Institute for Diagnostics and Animal Health , Bucharest, Romania


Thymovar efficiency on Varroa destructor under excessive summer conditions in South-East Europe
Mr. Aleksandar Uzunov, The Faculty of Agricultural Science and Food, Skopje, Macedonia


Breeding and reproduction nut honey bee in apicentar
Prof. Dr Jovan Kulinčević, Apicentar, Serbia


Honey bee queen (Apis mellifera carnica) characteristics reared in queen breeding apiaries in Slovenia
Prof. Dr Aleš Gregorc, Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia


Hive products quality improvement with the tubes bottom board
Mr. Jean-Pierre Le Pabic, Rueil-Malmaison, France


The influence of queen age on productive-reproductive features of strong honey bee colonies of Syenichko-Peshterski ecogenotype 
Dr. Vet. Med. Bojan Gajić, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Veterinary Parasitology, Belgrade, Serbia


Lunch Break


Acctivities of Apimondia
Mr. Riccardo Jannoni Sebastianini, Secretary-General of Apimondia, Italy


Gamma-spectrometric analysis of honey
Mr. Vet. Med. Branislava Mitrović, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of  Radiology and Radiation Hygiene, Belgrade, Serbia


Chemical quality parameters of Serbian Commercial Mono -floral honeys
Prof. Saša Milosavljević, High School of Agriculture, Prokuplje, Serbia


Filth-test assessment of Italian and African honey quality
Dr. Marco Porporato, University in Turin, Italy


Quality of acacia honey from area of Vlasotince
Ing. Vlastimir Spasić, President of Southeast Serbia Regional Association of Beekeeping Organizations, Niš, Serbia


View test results obtained in the quality of honey of veterinary institute specialisation "Nis" /Southeast Serbia/ in the period from 2006 until 2011
Dr. Vet. Med. Zoran Raičević, Specialist in Epizootiology, Veterinary Specialist Institute Niš, Serbia


Potential use of ethanol and plant extracts in supplemental feeding or special bee products production
Dr. Janko Božič, Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


Application of Melittin in Apitherapy
Prof. Miloljub Šolajić, Psihapis Center, Belgrade, Serbia

20. February 2012.


Technical Tour

18-19. February 2012.


                                                 Poster Prezentations


Bee Colonies Comfort in different Types of hives (vertical and horizontal hives on Dadant Types Frames)
Dr. Valentina Cebotari, Institute for Zoology, Chisinau, Moldavia


Beekeepers as Promoters of Biodiversity – How and Why?
Dr. Janko Božič, Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


The influence of different frequency of powdered sugar treatments on productive-reproductive features of strong honey bee colonies of Syenichko-Peshterski ecogenotype
Dr. Dragan Ćirković, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Belgrade, Serbia


Impact of the position of apiary on quality of the honey
Biljana Stamenković, Faculty of Biofarming, Bor, Serbia


Content of heavy metals and metalloids in bee honey produced from the region of Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
Prof. Dr Ivanka Zhelyazkova Trakia University, Faculty of Agriculture, Bulgaria


Content of heavy and toxic metals in honey bee products and bees from three industrial areas in Bulgaria
Dr. Kalinka Gurgulova, National Diagnostic Research Veterinary Medical Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria


Obtaining quality varietal honey from modified AZ hive
Mr. Dejan Milošević, Drmno, Serbia


Microscopic analysis of honey in the process of determining his quality
Ms Tatjana Škorić, Institute of Public Health, Subotica, Serbia


Slovene Honey-internal control of honey
Mr. Andreja Kandolf, Beekeeping Association of Slovenia, Public Agricultural Advisory Service, Hill near Municipality of Lukovica, Slovenia


An Opportunity to develop beekeeping in landscape plan of  Trešnja (resort near Belgrade)
Aleksandra Nikolić, Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade, Serbia
Antonija Tadić, Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade, Serbia


The Effect of Feedbee used as a Bee Colonies’ Performance Optimizer during the spring
Dr. Lumturi Sena, Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania


Effect of supplemental feeding with Startovit on the honey production capacity of bee colonies
Prof. Dr Ivanka Zhelyazkova, Trakia University,Faculty of Agriculture, Bulgaria


Description of liver and lien histopathologic mice infected with plasmodium berghei treated with Propolis
Dr. James Hutagalung, Faculty of Medicien Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia